Roger Federer s-a calificat în optimile turneului de la Indian Wells după o victorie concludentă obținută în fața croatului Ivan Dodig.
Elvețianul nu doar că s-a impus cu 6-3, 6-1, dar a făcut și spectacol în unele momente. Unul dintre ele a fost ales de organizatori drept momentul zilei de luni la Mastersul american și îl vedeți mai jos.
Uite si ce a declarat referitor la accidentare
oricum in momentele alea pe teren parea destul de speriat, dar imi place ca mereu ia partea plina a paharului si e ft optimist
si mai avem 10 victorii si facem 900!
Something slightly worrying was that Roger tweaked his back during the match but as he said:
“At the end I tweaked it a little bit, but it’s not the first time it’s happened in my career, it’s happened during Grand Slams, during tournaments, in practice. It’s just something you learn to deal with”. This was our champ’s 890th career win bringing him level with Connors, Lendl and Vilas as the only men to have won that number of matches in the open era.
si lovitura super, si….echipamentul….doamne, ce frumos e!
de ce mi se pare mie ca e cel mai bine imbracat jucator din circuit?
Probabil pentru ca ii stau cel mai bine pe el hainele… Plus ca parca la el merg toate culorile, nu stiu de ce
Uite si ce a declarat referitor la accidentare
oricum in momentele alea pe teren parea destul de speriat, dar imi place ca mereu ia partea plina a paharului si e ft optimist
si mai avem 10 victorii si facem 900!
Something slightly worrying was that Roger tweaked his back during the match but as he said:
“At the end I tweaked it a little bit, but it’s not the first time it’s happened in my career, it’s happened during Grand Slams, during tournaments, in practice. It’s just something you learn to deal with”. This was our champ’s 890th career win bringing him level with Connors, Lendl and Vilas as the only men to have won that number of matches in the open era.